Image of the Week starts Friday!
I am excited to announce the newest feature of our site…Image of the Week. Each and every Friday I’ll be featuring one of my favorite images taken at a wedding. Could be from a wedding I photographed last week or last year. I’ll give a little insight into my mind as to what I was thinking, why I created this image and why I love it! Also for those whose image is featured…there’s a little thank you gift. So on Friday one of the things your going to do is check out our site to see which wedding is featured.

I realize that this is not a wedding image but it’s a photograph of one of my son, Ricardo. Together we were at the beach photographing a wonderful engagement session and Ricardo was just hanging out on the lifeguard stand.
Time is fleeting…it seems like just yesterday he entered our lives and now he’s 5.
What a precious child!!! Roy you and your wife are really blessed!!! He is GORGEOUS! he should be modeling…